商品番号TZ362-370TRL-01JANコードTH0023159商品概要プロダクトグループ:トップラインショックタイプ:リアツインスクーターショックプロダクトタイプ:エマルジョンガスショックABE:-長さ:365-375 (MM.)トップ:10 x 20 (MM.)ボトムサイズ:F.20 x M10 (MM.)スプリング:46-10-15-220 (MM.)ピストンサイズ:36(MM.)軸サイズ:12(MM.)適合車種SUZUKIBURGMAN 650 (RIDER 85 KGS) 02-11詳細説明A High efficiency gas shock absorber that can be adjusted according to the user.THREAD SPRING PRELOADThread Spring Preload or adjustable spring screw. By threading the cylindrical shock absorbers, user can turn the preload to fine tune the spring and tighten a provided bolt to fix the ring in its positionREBOUND ADJUSTABLERebound Adjustable is to control the recovery of the shock absorber. Fast or slow depending on driver needs. It is designed to have a volume control knob needle shaft Free Bleed oil through hole and the knob Rebound is designed to sense the adjusted time adjustment dial.LENGTH ADJUSTABLEAdjustable length. It helps increase the length of the shock absorber. The two types can be upgraded to 10 mm or adjustable lengths +/- 5 mm.